Wednesday, 23 November 2016


You'll have to forgive the lateness of this blog post, I've spent the last two weeks stockpiling tinned food and digging a bunker in the garden.

But in between preparations for the ascendance of the God-King Of The Oompa Loompas to leadership of the free world, TUNEICEF 2016 has been taking shape and gaining momentum. For those of you unfamiliar with what has become an annual tradition since 2013, my students and I have been writing and recording songs for an album of original music to be released digitally at Christmas with the proceeds going to UNICEF. Check out our Bandcamp page:

So far we've got acoustic pop from Phil Matthews (aka The Village), French-inspired instrumental from local composer Zoe Felton, guitar pop from those lovable scamps The Formidable Ale society, a cod-Satriani instrumental from yours truly and standout metal from One S0ul and The Relinquished.. and this is before student tracks are added!

Thanks again must go not just to students but also Matt Chubb, Wayne Cooper and Amanda Williams for contributing vocals as well as drum teacher and local legend Steve Ward for his drum tracks.

Interested in finding out more? Check out these links:

The Formidable Ale Society -

If you fancy contributing a track or two, drop us a line at, the more the merrier! Meantime, you can help out by “liking” us at and following us ( @TUNEICEF ) on Twitter – we've also got a hashtag (#TUNEICEF) even if we're not entirely sure what we should be doing with it... Likes, shares, retweets – it all helps, we're making this happen on a budget of literally nothing, so help spread the word and raise some money for a worthy cause while promoting local talent!

#TUNEICEF 2016 LIVE will be held on Sunday December 18th at The Beacon, Loughborough, so get on down and check out our contributing artists!

PS – don't forget to check out our previous efforts!